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Overnight Summer Camp

Overnight Summer Camp

Student overnight Camp and Trip Advisors provides referrals to overnight summer camps all over the US from East to West, North and South as well as in Canada. These camps for kids ages 7-17 are places for that perfect overnight summer camp for the child.

Different options…varying choices. These create puzzle pieces that can be combined to complete a picture that is customized just for any child's special needs and interests. When the pieces fit together, a happy, fulfilling overnight summer camp, packed full of exciting adventures and accomplishments awaits.

Do they want an emphasis on team sports and competition, individual sports like tennis, arts and crafts, or theater? Of want a small campus or a large sprawling facility? Maybe they prefer a girls or boys or would coed be better? What are the necessary pieces of your child's overnight puzzle?

Sailing, archery, swimming, computers, photography, video making, horseback riding are all overnight summer possibilities. Do these add to the child's picture?

The overnight summer camp years offer so much. Learning new skills, creating lasting friendships and a sense of community; building self-confidence, learning cooperation and respect for the needs of others; adjusting to new situations. All of these are so important to healthy growth and development.

A positive overnight summer experience provides an environment for nurturing the development of skills and attitudes that can last a lifetime. Every overnight summer camp, kids get to try something new and wonderful for the very first time. What would the child like to try? Will he ride a horse? Climb high ropes and use a zip line? Go caving? Create a masterpiece with clay? Broadcast her own radio show? Find the courage to take a part in the overnight summer play? Go whitewater rafting or kayaking?

After all, this is what overnight camp is all about. It is a place to try things and have experiences you've only dreamt about! It is a place where they can get the encouragement and support they need to take safe risks. It is a place to discover untapped sides of overnight to bring back to home and school.

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